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How to delete your Instagram profile: The easiest way to do it

Published by : Pierre van Steenberghe
Whether you want to keep your account private or hide it from certain people, deleting your Instagram profile is the most drastic technique for achieving this. Discover all the alternatives available to you!
Published on May 19, 2023

Whether you want to keep your account private or hide it from certain people, delete your profile Instagram is the most drastic technique for achieving this. What's more, once you've deleted your account, you can't reactivate it again - at least not without getting another Instagram account again. 

However, if you wish to delete your Instagram profile permanently instead of just hiding it from other people, there are a few things you need to know about it, as well as how to actually do it. Here's what you need to know about removal steps from your Instagram profile, and how deleting an Instagram account affects everyone else who has access to it too. 

The quick FAQ below should help answer any questions you may have on the subject.

Why would you want to delete your Instagram profile?

If you want to delete your Instagram profile because it's no longer needed, or if you want to keep it private, we've got some great tips below.

Consider only your profile, before completely deleting your Instagram profile, can be made private so that only the people to whom you give permission to view your content can see the photos or videos you post.

In this case, it's a question of review your privacy settings to make your profile less accessible and distribute your content only to your friends. To do this, nothing could be simpler, you need to go to your Instagram profile and go to the 3 bars at the top right and then choose "privacy". There you'll see that you can easily set your account to private.

If you use your personal profile to promote your business and you don't want to mix the two, and you want to publish more personal content without your customers knowing about your private life, then simply create a new specific instagram account for your company.

The big advantage of this is that you can then link this Instagram account with Facebook and transform your Instagram account into a professional account that gives you more details on statistics, the ability to schedule your posts, to link the Facebook shop your Instagram posts, etc.

So think twice before deleting your instagram profile, because going back won't be possible. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I ever want my Instagram account back?
  • Is my goal simply to limit access to my Instagram posts?
  • Is it my primary aim to keep my professional and private life separate?

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then we recommend that you treasure your instagram account and take other, less drastic measures that will help you achieve the goals you're looking for. Deleting your Instagram profile is not the best solution for you!

Do you use Instagram for your business? Before you think about deleting your account, analyze your data from Instagram to validate your choice or not.
When Instagram is used properly, it can be a powerful way toimprove brand awarenessto increase the number of visitors to its website and thus generate new customers.

How to hide your Instagram account?

If you want to hide your Instagram account, there are a few simple steps you can take to do so. If you want to hide or temporarily close your account from other people, the first thing you need to do is to deactivate your account. This means that all posts will be saved on Instagram's servers, but will no longer appear in your feed.

You can always search and find them if you really want to see what was posted before it was deleted. When you deactivate your account, it will be hidden from everyone who have access to it, except those who have been given the option of viewing deleted accounts - which is about right yourself, even if you deleted it years ago.

Hiding your Instagram account is therefore a good measure to take if you want to leave yourself the possibility of returning to the social network one day without losing everything. When you're not sure of your decision, this is the option we recommend.

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How do I delete my Instagram profile?

The process for deleting your Instagram profile is actually quite simple. It involves going to your Instagram profile and clicking on the three lines in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Next, you need to click on "Settings". Once you're in the "Settings" menu, scroll down to where it says "Account" and then you go to "Deactivate my account" and click on it.

From there, confirm that you want to delete your Instagram profile, and congratulations - you're done! You're done? Of course you are! But before you think about deleting anything else from your phone or computer, make sure you save everything first. This includes photos, videos, contacts and even text messages, so that if something goes wrong during the deletion process, you don't lose irreplaceable data.

Does deleting your Instagram profile permanently delete everything?

Yes, when you delete your account, all photos, videos, comments, likes and followers will be permanently deleted. You will not be unable to reactivate your Instagram account without a new account.
This implies that if you're going to delete your Instagram profile and later want to return to this social network, you're going to have to create a brand new account with, if your current account name is no longer available, a brand new name.

For security and comfort, we recommend the previous alternative, but if you want to remove all traces of your presence on Instagram, you have no choice but to delete your account permanently.

Supprimer votre profil Instagram
Delete your Instagram profile in just a few steps

Is it possible to reactivate your deleted Instagram account?

Yes, it's still possible to get back on Instagram, thankfully. To reactivate your account, you can create a new Instagram account using the same email address and password you used to set up your old account.

As mentioned above, you can re-use the same contact details for your account, but these are not linked to your public login. This means there's no guarantee that you'll be able to retrieve the name of your previous account.


A final word of advice: think carefully before deleting your Instagram profile.
There are different ways to distance yourself from Instagram depending on your needs and desires:

  • You can restrict your account so that it is no longer public.
  • You can hide your account or deactivate your Instagram account, which gives you the possibility of reactivating it and coming back to it later without losing what you have already published and keeping your various interactions visible.
  • You can also delete your account, which does not allow you to go back. If you choose the latter option, you lose all your history and will have to create a new account to return to Instagram.

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